Poncho Aguilar
CEO - Cofundador en perfilan.com; Emprendedor, viajero y apasionado de los deportes en la naturaleza.
Sobre mi
CoFounder and CEO at Perfilan www.perfilan.com
Helping Developers and Real Estate Investors getting to know in real time their target markets as a company and for their own projects.
I´m a traveller and living around the world made me discover that my passion for experiencing new cultures and adapting to changes can become a unique lifestyle.
Professional Background:
Designer in Vicca Verde (http://www.viccaverde.com) and Utopus (http://www.utopus.com/)
Manager at Inversiones Vicca Verde (http://inversionesviccaverde.com/)
Finance Analyst at Inmobiliaria Aconcagua (https://www.iaconcagua.com/)
Bootcamp Facilitator at Startup Essentials (www.startupessentials.co)
Cursos como profesor
- Gratis1 h4.4