
José  Duarte

Senior Designer in BASE DESIGN

Sobre mi

With a degree in design communication from Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto, José is responsible for designing materials for La Casa Encendida Obra Social Caja in Madrid. He brings to Base noteworthy organizational skills, a strategic approach to editorial design, and an ability to understand the needs of cultural clients. His most visible projects at Base have been the catalogs for the La Casa Encendida exhibitions on Antonin Artaud, Edward Gordon Craig, and Ryan McGinness, the conceptualization of the graphic system for CA2M (Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo) in Madrid, and the design of Centro de Arte Ego and Cartografías Disidentes (SEACEX). Currently José is developing new crossover projects, while taking care of Madrid’s studio music playlist, which has no crossover music. Always up for a laugh, José is a true pleasure to work with.

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